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How to Build a Great ATV Trail: 5 Tips for Business Owners

How to Build a Great ATV Trail 5 Tips for Business Owners

ATV trail riding is one of the nation’s most popular recreational activities. The industry is growing faster than the rate of the overall U.S. economy, so now is the time to break in. Owning and operating a trail course requires a great deal of planning, but the good news is that you don’t need a lot of money to get started, as long as you have access to a beautiful piece of land. All it takes is a fleet of well-maintained off-road vehicles and a solid understanding of the natural world. You will also need to buy ATV riding gear for your guests, so they can get through the wilderness safely.

But what about the trail itself? You will need to create a specific course for the park to create a unique riding experience. This will show your guests where to go, so they don’t get lost. It will also preserve the land by limiting your guests to designated areas. Use these tips to build the ultimate ATV riding trail.

Trust Your Instincts

You can use a lot of different tools to map out the course, including drones and sophisticated AI technology, but nothing will help you get a sense of the trail like walking the course on foot. Regardless of how you plan on designing the course, take the time to walk through the area to better understand what your guests will experience along the way. Use your instincts when deciding where to place the trail based on the local terrain. Your eye will naturally gravitate toward specific landmarks or routes. Ask yourself what you would want to see if you were visiting the park for the first time. Be sure to swing by any notable features, including ponds, rivers, and other waterways, notable rock formations, and peaks that will give your guests the lay of the land.

Respect the Land

Riding an ATV is about appreciating nature, so you shouldn’t make any drastic changes to the landscape. Consider the needs of local wildlife and plant life to avoid harming the local ecosystem. Steer the trail away from natural habitats, so your guests don’t run into animals and other pristine environments. You can consult an environmentalist or a land management firm to learn more about the property. When designing turns and routes, think about how much work it would take to build the track based on what’s already in place. If there are trees, rocks, or plants blocking the potential route, consider having your guests go around the obstacles instead of paying to have them removed.

ATV Off Road Respect the Land

Source: dies-irae/

Give Your Guests a Variety of Options

The best ATV riding parks have a variety of trails to explore. The sport can also be challenging for beginners. You will appeal to a wide swath of riders if you set up trails for those with different experience levels. Start by creating a beginner, intermediate, and expert course so everyone can participate regardless of their training. The beginner course should be mostly flat, with wide turns and many places to pull over and rest if your guests need a break. The next two courses can be longer with more challenging terrain. Try to make each one unique to encourage your guests to try all three. For reference, the average trail ranges from eight to 10 miles, according to the state of Wisconsin. This may be too long/short for some riders, so try to create courses with different lengths.

Prepare for the Worst

ATV riding can be messy when there’s lots of mud on the ground. The weather can also easily take a turn for the worse. When designing the trail, consider how the terrain might change based on the weather. Some low-lying areas could flood with heavy rain, which could render the route impassable. Prep your ATVs for extreme weather by waterproofing vulnerable parts.

ATV Off Road Prepare For The Worst


Do your best to keep your guests comfortable by protecting them from the elements. You should have a supply of waterproof shawls, pants, and shoes in case someone doesn’t have the proper attire. Consider using a utility terrain vehicle with a roof and a windshield to keep the mud and dirt at bay. You may also have to respond to a medical emergency on the trail. Keep first aid supplies on hand and a radio in case you need to call for help.

Create an Immersive Experience

Riding an ATV or taking a tour is much more fun when you can talk to the person beside you. Purchase an off-road communication to give your guests a better riding experience. Each person can use a wireless headset to talk to their friends while riding. They can coordinate their route and check in on each other when riding in single-line formation. The technology will help your guests stay focused on the trail, which will reduce the risk of injury. They won’t be tempted to make hand signals when driving. If you are giving a tour, you can also use the headset to share important details and stories with your guests.

Keep this information in mind when designing your own ATV course. From racing to touring, ATV riding has become an American pastime, and fans will love having new territory to explore.

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